Local Jewish Youth Reacts to Pittsburgh Mass Shooting

Saturday news of the mass shooting in Pittsburgh has devastated the entire country and particularly the Jewish community. 

The gunman, shouting anti-Semitic slurs and vitriol social media posts, walked into the Tree of Life synagogue before he claimed the lives of 11 people, including some police officers who responded to the scene. He was federally charged with hate crime and 29 counts.

I was in Jacksonville when this insane and heart-wrenching event happened and immediately had a flashback to a mere mass shooting happening in Jacksonville just a week ago around the TIAA football field and during the Jags game. 

While I'm insanely curious to hear the reaction from local Jewish youthful friends, they were celebrating Sabbath. Not only were they not aware of this incident, but they also had to stay away from technological devices until 7:30 last night. 

I had a quick conversation with the rabbi of Jacksonville's Etz Chaim synagogue, who emphasized the importance of unity and awareness, before interviewing this 17-year-old Chase Bayer. Bayer was emotional, especially after a trip to Poland and learn about the history of Nazis and anti-Antisemitism around the world.

The mass shooting caught Bayer by a total surprise:  

Despite on Jacksonville Police Office patrol on their property, Rabbi Yaakov Fish said such event underscores the vulnerability of religious institutions, while encouraging people to pray for the victims and rise above hatred and anger.


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