Medical Cannabis Investors Hopeful In Their Alachua County Venture

Could you believe there are enormous cannabis cultivation sites in Alachua County? I was shocked upon covering this booming industry as well. 

In 2016, Liberty Health Sciences, a Canadian medical cannabis investor that launched in 2011, closed a deal to buy a 387-acre parcel at 14810 NW 94th Ave. in the city of Alachua. 

This oasis of mass-produced cannabis products has brought the county to the forefront of a booming Florida medical cannabis market.

“Here (in Alachua) we are growing roughly 500 plants a week. With the new 360 Innovation (Campus, in Gainesville), we could grow over 1,800 plants a week. Each plant produces 60 to 80 grams of input materials,” chief executive George Scorsis said.
With the Alachua County’s business alone, Scorsis hopes to hire over 300 employees — everything from gardeners to accountants to scientists to delivery drivers. Pay at LHS range from $11 an hour to $140,000 a year.
Located near 18770 N. County Road 225 in Gainesville, the 250,000-square-foot land once utilized to grow citrus now becomes the home of what is called the Liberty 360 Innovation Campus.
Here I bring you the full report inside the site and how this company has contributed to job creation for our local area:


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