What A Year That's About to Wrap Up!

Fair Warning: Since this could be my last blog of 2018, I'll get personal. Many have approached me with this question, "What's the highlight of your 2018?"

Many answers could pop up, from landing a reporting niche in Jacksonville to promotions in Gainesville. No, there is only one milestone: the Lord's returned to my life.

Admittedly, I rarely discuss politics and religion, especially when you're in a business of reporting facts and truths without any personal input. Yet, it's crucial to acknowledge that faith has carried me through obstacles all these times -- not just with my works that often start out uncomfortably and awkwardly with calling strangers and chasing uncorroborated leads -- but also in lives.

An innately impatient but emotional person, I've always been a planner and stuck with my preparations. Until recently, I've come to realize the divine hands behind my success and happiness in life. Don't get me wrong! They don't happen that quickly and overnight.

It also took a while before I realized God's watched over me and those surrounding me to place them around like tots on a chessboard. I'm the type of friend whom people would call the ride-n-die buddy simply because commitment defines me in all aspects. Or, I could blame being a Gemini for becoming so blindly faithful and loyal to others that betrayals and broken promises hit me like a hot knife running through butter.

Friends come and go, but learn to be patient and forgiving to others as I've trained myself even in the news business. At the end of the day, even when a compromise isn't reached, a redemption isn't accepted, or a scar isn't healed, be proud of who you are as the sons of the Highest who has better plans for you in the future days to come.

A gift from the heart is cherished and true.
A love is best when it's given to.

Through local churches, I've been able to share my holiday celebration with unfortunate kids and families in need. There is no greater honor when I get to this in the honor of God's name.

I pray that He shall bring you great joy and warmth this holiday season and more life-changing opportunities next year that will also beautify his kingdom!


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