A Weekend Visit to Repticon

I went to a fun family event this weekend in Jacksonville called Repticon...
...If you think not to many people are fond of slithering and slippery creatures, over 1000 people attended this Reptile and Exotic Animal Show on Saturday when I paid it a visit to the Morocco Shrine.
The enormous selection featured exotic pets and reptile-themed merchandise.

"We are happy to have people who have never held a reptile before or interacted with reptiles at all," Repticon employee Summer Westmoreland told me.

Repticon Jacksonville opened on Feb 2 to Feb 3 from10:00 AM to 04:00 PM.

It cost me $12 for admission but only $5 for children age 5 to 12.

Ironically, I played with those reptiles and tarantulas as any 5-year old would.


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