Jack Adams' BBQ Fundraising

Jacksonville officer Jack Adams was severely injured and his wife, JSO bailiff Cathy Adams, killed on Dec. 8 when their families' car got struck by a drunk driver. 
Last weekend, I was assigned to cover a fundraiser for the family at American Legion Post 137.
JSO Officer Kevin Munger is more than just Jack Adams' co-worker and more than just a cop to me. He’s my good friend and the catalyst for my success of interviewing officer Adams after all the past conflicts between the sheriff department and the media over his privacy. Let’s put it this way, thanks to Kevin, that’s the first time Adams agreed to speak out on TV.
"It shows you how big of a heart the city of Jacksonville has," Jack Adams said. "There has been tremendous support. We have gotten through all of this."
Adams is optimistic and thankful for the community's support that, he said, has helped him get through the toughest time of his life. 
A little background information that I savor from these two. They two have known each other as motorcycle friends with an organization called the Police Unity Tour, and I’m a big Harley Davidson’s fan.
Therefore, it struck me with a low note toward the end of the day when Munger told us Adams may ever be able to ride again. Still, it’s God’s gifts that both he and his children survived the tragic crash and has made a remarkable recovery since the accident. This is truly a POSITIVELY JAX story!


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