Sunday Superbowl

It's the first year that our Lunar Tet New Year came so close to the Superbowl, I chose to come over my good friend Juan's house to watch football rather than Facetiming my family and reminiscing our unique cultural celebration.

Surely, I miss the cuisine and tradition of sitting around and wrapping cakes that were imprinted in my memory since I was born in the absence of my grandparents and a post-war Vietnam ( Time has changed, and it's Venezuela's turn to bear the brunt of a corrupt Communist government and the scenario of US military intervention.

Indeed, I wouldn't bring in this discussion of Venezuela's crisis and shakeup without a Venezuela-native friend. As it turns out, I and my folks are more fortunate as the country's quietly descended into peace and relative economic growth, although there was a huge protest last year when I paid a home visit to Vietnam ( You would be surprised what could surround a reporter's life.

Anyway, it wasn't the most exhilarating game until the 4th quarter, but my bet on the Patriots paid off. The only that impressed viewers about the Halftime show were Spongebob and Adam Levine's pillow-case-like outfit. Even Scarlett O'Hara's drapery dress looks less outdated and ludicrous.

As Brady celebrates history in Orlando, President Trump's drafting his declaration of national emergency to take away 32 Big Macs fo


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