Meet My Friends Part 2

How should I describe Kyrin Mayfield? A quiet and stern guy. Kid him all the times and even recommend to him about changing his blog's title to "From the Outfield to the Infield." As such, I've been working late at WUFT and seen him quite frequently around. The guy's dedicated and helpful to others around him.

Tessa Bentulan has been my dear friend since I first started UF. No one can hate this girl. She's also the reason why I love Miami... and go broke after every time I make a trip down to visit her. She's so competent in radio while also having a flair for broadcast anchoring that I'm amazed by her tremendous progress in WUFT newsroom, even reaching the pinnacle of Hearst Award.

Vanessa Villalobos - still having a hard time remembering her last name - is a sweet dear friend. Our best fond memory goes back 3 months ago when I submitted my gear back to the newsroom late and got suspended amidst an intense investigative project. No pun intended but Vanessa stepped up to check out her camera equipment for me. Sill returning her favor till this day as I text her story ideas every week.


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